News — weekly summary
Status report!

It's been about a month since my last "weekly" summary (which, let's be honest here, had already stopped being weekly!) so I figured it was time to reinvigorate my blog with some fresh content and let you know what's been going on in the LBW world. June started off super strong with two big art events, but had a disappointing finish. I did a sidewalk sale event in Mission KS, which was a bust. I made my fees back, but definitely did not my enough to make it worth my time (and my husband's!) to sweat our buns off and...
Weekly Summary - June 18 2021
area events art struggles news weekly summary

Well, it's been a few weeks since I posted one of these. Whoops! I was super busy with the weekend art shows and still recovering from the weeks of insomnia / the new meds. Last time here. I haven't been painting a ton because we've been really busy. I have events every weekend this month, and it's been super hot so they're wiping me out. I have done pretty well at the ones I've had so far though! Food. Art. Drink. was very successful. I made almost as much in sales that weekend as I made all of last year!...
Weekly Summary - May 28 2021

I'm seeing a light at the end of the tunnel finally. I've been sleeping better and working on art. We've had nearly non stop rain though, which has been cancelling events (my main source of revenue for my art). Last week's update here. I'd love to write that sleeping better has instantly improved everything and life is sunshine and rainbows, but nothing's ever quite that easy. I am sleeping better so that's a relief, but I'm still totally exhausted. It's going to take a while to fully (if ever) recover from the weeks of insomnia. My day job has been...
Weekly Summary - May 21 2021

I spent the past week working on getting art ready to sell for upcoming events. I painted a couple times, and got back to using my dot card for quick monochrome paintings as well. Last week here. I focused on mounting paintings on board and matting a few others because tomorrow was supposed to be my very first Strawberry Swing event. Unfortunately, it's looking very likely that it'll be canceled due to rain. It's been cloudy and rainy here for days and days and it's not helping my mood or motivation. I went back to the doctor on Wednesday and...
Weekly Summary - May 14 2021

I'm going to sound like a broken record, because there hasn't been any improvement in my sleep situation. In fact, last night was one of the worst nights I'd had in about a week, so I'm feeling particularly despondent about the whole situation. Last week here. The pop up event last weekend was a bit of a bust. For some inexplicable reason, it was cancelled on Facebook, but we weren't notified by email like I was told we would be. So I showed up and set up before I even thought to check. It was a beautiful sunny day, and...