I've been procrastinating on this post for...oh, about 4 months now! My excuse was that I wanted to figure out how to get a nice photo of the addition in the title. Well that still hasn't happened, so come with me on this journey of "done is better than perfect" in action!
In August I attended a networking event at an auction house that was showcasing all female artists. It was great to see the art in person, partially because I have no sense of scale when I see measurements online. They provided fun goodie bags, tasty snacks, and the networking was also excellent. I picked out a few pieces I was mildly interested in.
A few weeks later, near the end of the auction period, I finally got on the website to check out how the auction was going. Two of the pieces I liked didn't have bids yet, so I thought "what the heck" and put in bids that I would be happy to get the art for, but completely assumed I would be overbid.
Next day, checking my email--I won a painting! And even more surprising? It was the largest painting in the auction, the one I had liked the most and totally assumed I'd never have a chance at winning.
"Rio Grande Gorge" by Christina McPhee, 1992, 31"x61".
I won this at auction for $200, valued at $2000. I'm pretty sure the frame alone cost that or more! (There's my midwestern coming out--bragging about what a great deal I got. #sorrynotsorry ?) It looks great in my living room, and looks better in person without the horrible frame glass glare.
It's little events like these that remind me that taking chances can payoff, and you shouldn't count yourself out before even taking a shot at something you want.