Weekly Summary - April 30 2021

art struggles weekly summary

This prior week was almost an exact copy of the week before. (Details on last week here, including a video review of what I worked on.) I'm still having trouble getting a good night sleep as the week goes on, and I haven't been as consistent as I would like with my 100 Days project or regular studio time.

I'm nearly done with my first 100 Days Project! Yesterday I painted number 97. I'm so very close to the end and I want to just push through the last 3 days. Then I think I may take a break for a bit, but I also want to try the rest of the dot card colors so I will pick it back up again. 

There were a couple days last week when I didn't paint at all, but in general if I painted for my 100 Days Project I also stuck it out to do some other work. Of course I painted small and medium palette knife works, but I also tried some different mediums this week to change things up. I tried alcohol inks for the first time, but I definitely haven't figured out how to use them properly. They were incredibly messy to open but have very vibrant colors that I enjoy.

I also went to my first Northwest Watercolor Society meeting on Tuesday and watched part of the demo on collage, which inspired me to try some the next day in a sketchbook (to mixed results). I'm honestly not sure joining was a good decision because of the time zone difference--when meetings start at 7pm for them, it's 9 for me! I did not stay for the entire demo because of that--when it was still going strong at 10:15 I opted to leave to get proper no-screen time before bed since I've had such difficulty sleeping anyway. It's the first and only watercolor society I've joined, and it might have been smarter to join one that's closer. There are a couple in St. Louis, but none here in KC unfortunately (and surprisingly!).

On the business side, I had a pop up at the Iron District here in NKC on Saturday, and it was my most successful event so far! I made more sales than at anything else I've done yet which was very exciting. (Honestly, also a little worrying for actual art shows coming up this summer--do I have enough material for them??) I also have the Crossroads Wine & Walk event tonight. I also created a Ko-Fi account to accept small donations (about $3) because every little bit helps!

Things are getting busy already, and I'm getting pretty booked up with events for the summer. I'm already pretty stressed from all this (we're fairly sure that's what's causing my sleep issues) and trying to find time to paint and handle all the regular chores of keeping two side businesses going is a lot. I'm not sure where to course correct some of this, but it's definitely something I'm thinking about a lot right now. So my goal for next week is to take things as I feel it. I'm not going to push myself to paint a ton (but I probably will a few times anyway). I would like to go through my backlog of work and get the good ones put in mat, boards & bags for sale at events. 

And finally I'll leave you on the positive note of the video review of what I worked on over the week:

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