News — art struggles
Weekly Summary - Dec. 4 2020
art struggles news weekly summary
Well now we have our answer: it took 3 weeks for me to fall off the wagon of Friday's weekly summaries. (Last time here.) Whoops. In my defense, it was the Friday after Thanksgiving, and I took the day off most work. I wouldn't have had much to write last week anyway. It's been a disappointing and frustrating couple of weeks of painting, with nothing turning out how I want. I'm still incapable of getting the ideas in my head out onto paper the way I want them. I have been practicing my brush skills over the last week or...
Weekly Summary - Nov. 20, 2020
art struggles news weekly summary
I'm on a three-week stretch of actually writing about the week's studio adventures! (Last week is here, if you want to catch up.) Let's keep on keepin' on. This last week was quite a bit less active in the studio. I suspect I was feeling lost after finishing that massive collage project the week before. I was thrilled with how it turned out, and I did not know what do with myself after that. I certainly don't have a new plan for another large collage like that--I used a lot of my paper scraps, and it's a project that takes over the whole studio...
Weekly Summary - Nov. 13, 2020
art struggles collage experiments weekly summary
Alright I'm on a two week stretch of actually writing about the week's studio adventures! (Last week is here, if you want to catch up.) Progress! I was able to finish one of my Seasons series last week: I have had this round watercolor paper for many months, but struggled to find a good way to use it. I was excited when I stumbled upon this idea last week. Then I struggled with how to differentiate between spring/summer with just color, since in general I associate green & blue with each season. I think the addition of yellow helped brighten up the...
Race to the Bottom
around the web art struggles news
The more I read about the business side of art, the more convinced I am that working for free or "for exposure" just screws artists over. I believe in an ethos that goes by many names, such as "fuck you, pay me" or "freelance isn't free." Anyone who doesn't charge for their work is hurting the rest of us. They are setting damaging expectations. They show they don't value their time or effort, so why should a buyer? Charging too little is nearly as bad. We don't need to be in a race to the bottom.I spend a lot of time around...
Weekly Summary - Nov. 6, 2020
art struggles news weekly summary
I've been lax lately about writing blog posts, which is bad because my site is still too new, with too little content, to sit for long without updates. Content is king for the search engines, so if I want to keep growing this little adventure, I need to keep updating. This week's lightbulb idea was to get myself to do weekly summaries of how things are going in my studio. Sort of like a public weekly diary of sorts. Now, I've tried regular writing and haven't stuck with it for more than a few months, so we'll see how long...