News — shows

February Events

area events news shows

February Events

I've been quiet around here lately. I had a confirmed case of Covid 19 and it kicked my butt for nearly two weeks. Things have been moving behind the scenes nevertheless, and I have my art in three places during the month of February 2022! First up, my art is still at Lifted Spirits Distillery in the Crossroads through the end of the month. Stop in for a delicious cocktail and enjoy the view while sipping! Next up, on Wednesday I installed some of my smaller works at the Turner Community Library in Kansas City Kansas. They will be on...

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Lessons from a summer of art shows

area events beginners news shows

Lessons from a summer of art shows

My goal at the beginning of 2020 was to get out and show my work at events. Well...Covid had other plans and we we all know how that year went! So 2021 was the first year I really got to participate in art shows and events. I have done 11 events over the spring and summer, and as I wind down for the year I figured I'd write up some notes here, both for myself and others who may be looking to get into the KC art scene next year! I had a goal to do on average 1 event a...

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First First Friday

area events news shows

First First Friday

First Fridays in the Kansas City Crossroads Arts District are kind of a big deal. The neighborhood is known for having numerous art galleries, and many of them stay open late and have special events on the first Friday of the month. The city closes some streets to have pop up booths, music, and food vendors. And it's packed with people! Driving through the Crossroads (or anywhere near it) is nigh impossible on those nights. It's been a few years since I've been to a First Friday (because fighting crowds makes Jen a grumpy grump grump), but I'm familiar with the event's...

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Status report!

news shows weekly summary

Status report!

It's been about a month since my last "weekly" summary (which, let's be honest here, had already stopped being weekly!) so I figured it was time to reinvigorate my blog with some fresh content and let you know what's been going on in the LBW world.  June started off super strong with two big art events, but had a disappointing finish. I did a sidewalk sale event in Mission KS, which was a bust. I made my fees back, but definitely did not my enough to make it worth my time (and my husband's!) to sweat our buns off and...

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Summer Small Works Show

area events news shows

Summer Small Works Show

I have two pieces that will be featured in the Summer Small Works Show at the Kansas City Stockyards Gallery! The show opens tomorrow, July 16, and runs through August 13, and it's my first time being part of an in-person juried art gallery show. The opening reception is tomorrow July 16 from 5-8pm, and is free to attend. I'll be there at the beginning for a bit!Both of my featured paintings were created in one layer by palette knife with watercolor paint straight from the tube. Watercolor is a fascinating medium and I love the surprises it creates. And even when...

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